Anglais C1/C2 + Renforcement Vocabulary/Grammar -
Certification English 360°

DUREE : 105h totale de formation soit:
65h sur notre interface Web
+ 30h d’accompagnement
de manière synchrone (classe virtuelle, face à face en visioconférence) avec un Formateur en Anglais
+ 10h de travaux pratiques

PUBLIC CONCERNE : La solution s’adresse aux apprenants C1/C2 et est conforme aux exigences du CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues).


• Navigateur web : Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

• Système d’exploitation : Mac ou PC, smartphone



REF : LAE004

TARIF  : 2530 € 

CERTIFICATION : « English 360° » incluse


Tarif HT pour les professionnels 

A l’issue de la formation vous serez en capacité de :

Utiliser le vocabulaire utile aux situations de la vie courante ainsi que les fonctions et les constructions grammaticales de la langue.

Consolider et perfectionner votre apprentissage en Grammaire/Vocabulaire en Anglais.

Certification :

Retrouver ici l’ensemble des informations concernant la certification English 360°

          > Vos formations étant en Blended learning distanciel, vous vous trouvez dans votre environnement personnel.

          > Si vous êtes en situation de handicap aucun aménagement particulier n’est requis.

          > Dans le cas d’une formation via « Mon Compte Formation », un délai minimum obligatoire et incompressible entre la validation de la demande               d’inscription par l’organisme de formation et l’entrée en formation du stagiaire. Le délai minimum et non négociable, fixé à 11 jours ouvrés.

          > Un questionnaire de motivation vous est envoyé afin de connaître quels sont vos objectifs ainsi qu’un test de positionnement permettant d’évaluer votre progression en début et en fin de formation.

          >  Un mail vous est envoyé indiquant vos identifiants et mot de passe. Une vidéo tutorielle est à votre disposition sur « Mon compte », vous expliquant comment utiliser votre tableau de bord.

          >   Un questionnaire de satisfaction vous est envoyé afin d’évaluer le/la conseiller(e) clientèle.

Carnet de bord

> Le carnet de bord est un lien entre vous et votre tuteur. Il sert de justificatif de suivi de formation pour ALMGROUP et vous sera envoyé à la fin de votre formation.

Programme de la formation

Lesson 01 – Chatting with people living in France: Janice

Asking for permission

Polite requests

The past tenses

Since, for, ago

Types of conditionals

Mixed conditionals

Review of pre-intermediate Level

Chatting with Janice

Northern Irish food

About Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland in the 20th century in short

Lesson 02 – Chatting with people living in France: Greg

Present simple

Simple past and past continuous

Describing a sequence of events

I, me, myself

Adjectives followed by prepositions

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

Too and enough

Question tags

Review of pre-intermediate Level

Chatting with Greg

Weather and climate

The climate in the USA

English as a global language

Lesson 03 – Chatting with people living in France: Mark

Adverbs: manner, place, time, frequency

Verbs followed by prepositions

Prefixes and suffixes

Present continuous

Verbs of preference followed by verbs + -ing or to + infinitive

Present perfect simple

Present perfect continuous

Review of pre-intermediate Level

Chatting with Mark

British cuisine

Lesson 04 – Whatever you say!

Ever and compounds

Emphasizing interrogative pronouns

Imperatives and negative imperatives

Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

Review of pre-intermediate Level

Illegal behaviour

About punctuality

Uncontrolled movements

Lesson 05 – Test Lessons 1 to 4

Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 06 – Writing a letter of complaint

Passive forms

“Used to” or “did not use to”

Tense review

Complaining about a damaged product

How to write an effective letter of complaint

Useful sentences and vocabulary in complaints

Phrases with “up to”

Around “to pick up”

Lesson 07 – Receiving a letter of complaint

Either, or, neither, nor, not either

Around “so far”


Imperatives with question tags

To remember vs. to remind

Still, already, yet, etc.

Tense review

Letter of complaint

Around “disappointment”

Around “to get”

Talking about responsibility

Around “bills”

From maker to user

Lesson 08 – Pronunciation: stress and linking


Word stress: one-syllable words

Word stress: two-syllable adjectives, nouns and verbs

Word stress: three-syllable words and over

Word stress: use of prefixes and suffixes


Linking words

Variability of English pronunciation

Lesson 09 – Tongue twisters: around phonetics and pronunciation

The 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds

Pronouncing the “th” letter group

Pronouncing the short and long “i” sounds

Pronouncing the “s”, “ch”, “tch”, “je”, “dje” sounds

Pronouncing the letter R or not

Pronouncing the letters W, V and F

Pronouncing the “ough” and “augh” letter groups

Tongue twisters

Lesson 10 – Test Lessons 6 to 9

Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

Lesson 11 – Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth

Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth

Literacy devices, figures of speech

Travel: at the airport

Around poems and poetry

Lesson 12 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 1

Connected speech in English

Stress placement in a sentence

Changes in pronunciation: contractions, elisions, assimilations, coalescences

Lesson 13 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 2

Connected speech in English

Changes in pronunciation: weak forms, linking

Lesson 14 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 3

Fast speech

Around “over”

Pronunciation of -ed endings

Around “word”

Around “yard”

Lesson 15 – Test Lessons 11 to 14

Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

Lesson 16 – Home conversation

Filler words

Must or have to: to express obligation

Sense verbs

Sense verbs: active or state verbs?

Double comparative in idioms

Phrasal verbs: to put

Phrasal verbs: to get


Situational ellipses

Textual ellipses

Ellipses and substitutions

Home conversation

Lesson 17 – Christmas Pudding – a British tradition

Some phrasal verbs: to cut, to stand, to turn

Imperatives: DOs and DON’Ts

Christmas Pudding

Weight measures

Weights in cooking

Liquid measures (volume)

Liquid measures in cooking

Measuring objects

Dried grapes

Cooking verbs

Lesson 18 – I’ll be at the beach hut

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

Sense verbs

Structures followed by to-infinitives, bare infinitives and -ing forms

The present continuous infinitive, the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive

Choosing the correct relative pronoun

Who or whom with prepositions?

Some phrasal verbs: to keep, to go

Talking about the future

Passive forms 

Holidays in Israel


Alone, by myself, on my own

Around “to lie”

Weather conditions: useful adjectives

To have + adjective + time

Lesson 19 – Seeing is believing

“Used to” to express a past habit

“Would” to express the past

Defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses

Must have + past participle

Still and anymore



Famous make-believe characters

Some noises humans make

Around “to believe”, “to happen”, “to swear”

Around “mill”

Beliefs and superstitions in Scotland

Lesson 20 – Test Lessons 16 to 19

Review and Test of Lessons 14 to 19

Lesson 21 – On the roads of the United Kingdom

Asking for and giving directions: useful sentences

The imperative to give directions

Driving in the UK

Around cars: glossary

Driving glossary

Phrases related to driving and manoeuvres

Pedestrian crossings in the UK

Asking for and giving directions

Some road signs in the UK

Lesson 22 – The driving test

Here, there, over here, over there

One, ones

Phrasal verb “to run”

To get in or to get on a vehicle

Will for immediate intention

Closed questions, short answers

Some verbs with “over”

Phrasal verbs with “away”

Emphatic imperative

Taking the driving test in the UK

Road lane markings in the UK

Useful vocabulary: on the roads

Around “sight”

Around “speed”

Lesson 23 – The pub – a British way of life

Passive structures

Advanced passive structures with reporting verbs

Advanced passive structures with modals

Advanced passive structures with verbs followed by infinitives or gerunds

Conditional conjunctions

The pub: a British way of life

Pub culture

Drinks in a pub

Pub opening hours

Entertainment in a pub

Lesson 24 – Talking about the environment

Gradable and non-gradable adjectives

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree and adjectives

Adverbs of degree and adjectives: collocations

The environment: sources of energy

The environment: useful verbs

The environment: useful vocabulary

Environmental issues: lessening our carbon footprint

Lesson 25 – Test Lessons 21 to 24

Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24

Lesson 26 – Talking to Rachel

Question tags

Present perfect tense

Present perfect continuous tense

Still, anymore and no longer

“Do” as an auxiliary in affirmative sentences

Phrasal verbs with “up”

Matching adverbs and pronouns

Compass points

Around “odd”

Marketing and advertising: useful vocabulary

Around “joy”

Astronomy and the solar system: useful vocabulary

Lesson 27 – Talking to Rebecca

Used to

Causative structures

The past perfect simple

The past perfect continuous

Phrasal verbs with “back”

A bit of geography: England

Accents in England

Instruments and musicians

Types of music

Working hours and shifts

Lesson 28 – Talking to Scott

Separable or inseparable phrasal verbs

General knowledge: Scotland

Geography of Scotland

Symbols, traditions and famous Scots

Important dates in the history of Scotland

The Scottish economy

10 fun facts about Scotland

Lesson 29 – Talking to Wynne

Phrasal verbs with “up”

Phrasal verbs with “stand” and “run”

Formal subjunctive

General knowledge: Wales

Geography of Wales

Symbols and traditions in Wales

Famous Welsh people

Bad friends

Around “chip”

The history of Wales

The Welsh economy


10 fun facts about Wales

Lesson 30 – Test Lessons 26 to 29

Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29

1. Grammar

  • Lesson 1 – Word order
  • Lesson 2 – Active and state verbs
  • Lesson 3 – Talking about events in the future
  • Lesson 4 – Other ways of expressing the future
  • Lesson 5 – Affixes: prefixes and suffixes
  • Lesson 6 – Conditional conjunctions
  • Lesson 7 – Transitive and intransitive verbs
  • Lesson 8 – Inversion with negative adverbials
  • Lesson 9 – Expressions with ‘used to’
  • Lesson 10 – Past perfect simple and continuous
  • Lesson 11 – The future in the past
  • Lesson 12 – Adjectives, nouns and verbs followed by prepositions
  • Lesson 13 – Participle clauses
  • Lesson 14 – Emphatic cleft sentences
  • Lesson 15 – Advanced passive structures
  • Lesson 16 – Modal verbs in the past
  • Lesson 17 – Verbs followed by infinitives or gerunds
  • Lesson 18 – Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
  • Lesson 19 – Formal subjunctive
  • Lesson 20 – Phrasal verbs

2. Vocabulary

  • Lesson 1 – Talking about money
  • Lesson 2 – People and customs
  • Lesson 3 – Business and the Economy
  • Lesson 4 – Industry, machines and technology
  • Lesson 5 – Idioms and expressions
  • Lesson 6 – Commercial correspondence
  • Lesson 7 – Job search
  • Lesson 8 – Writing CVs and cover letters
  • Lesson 9 – Dealing with a job interview
  • Lesson 10 – Agriculture
  • Lesson 11 – Synonyms and antonyms
  • Lesson 12 – False friends and anglicisms
  • Lesson 13 – Abbreviations, acronyms and eponyms
  • Lesson 14 – The Media
  • Lesson 15 – Ecology
  • Lesson 16 – Energy
  • Lesson 17 – Criminality
  • Lesson 18 – Justice and law
  • Lesson 19 – Travelling around Britain and Ireland
  • Lesson 20 – Travelling around the USA and Canada

Suivi Pédagogique :

        > Un suivi pédagogique régulier sera mis en place par notre équipe pédagogique.

Attestation des acquis

          > L’attestation individuelle de formation, est le résultat de la validation des acquis, elle est envoyée aux Stagiaires, Employeurs, Opco, Organismes financeurs…,

Évaluation stagiaire

          > A l’issue de votre formation, un test de positionnement sera effectué afin d’évaluer votre progression

          > Vous évaluez la formation, le formateur ou la formatrice, la pédagogie….

Parce que l’on assimile mieux lorsque l’on est acteur de sa formation, la pédagogie proposée transportera les participants dans des séquences illustrées de nombreux exemples pratiques. Cette formation est ponctuée de nombreuses mises en situations participatives et de techniques d’animations ludiques.

Techniques :110 modules comprenant de multiples jeux-exercices interactifs et stimulants; de nombreuses leçons permettant de réviser plus de 40 règles de grammaire/vocabulaire et des centaines de termes lexicaux, Quizz, Qcm…

Vous hésitez encore ?

Le plus difficile quand on veut se lancer dans un projet ?
C’est de se lancer.

Nos stagiaires aussi avaient des doutes mais 🤝🏻nous on fait confiance pour sauter le pas.

Retours sur la formation, nos formateurs, l’accompagnement et le suivi pédagogique, découvrez ce qu’ont pensé nos stagiaires de leur parcours chez ALMGroup !
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Ma formation en anglais vient de se terminer. Un grand merci à l'équipe d'ALMGroup pour son professionnalisme. Les contacts réguliers lors de ma formation ont toujours été bienveillants et sympathiques. Leur logiciel pour améliorer, progresser en anglais est très interactif et facile à maitriser ! Que du bonheur !
(Avis Google)

Retrouvez tous nos Avis Google ici
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ALMGroup est à l'écoute des apprenants et se soucie de l'évolution de leur parcours. Une équipe très humaine et des contenus de cours ludiques et intéressants. Cela apporte vraiment à celui qui s'investit dans son apprentissage. Je recommande à tous.
(Avis Google)

Retrouvez tous nos Avis Google ici

Comment financer votre formation

Afin de faciliter le retour à l'emploi, l'Etat, Pôle Emploi, les Régions ainsi que de nombreux acteurs de la vie locale et professionnelle accompagnent les demandeurs d’emplois dans leurs actions de formation, notamment grâce à des aides financières.


Déclaration d’activité enregistrée sous le numéro N° 84691718169 auprès du Préfet de la région Auvergne-RhôneAlpes

Numéro Siret : 88191620900029

Numéro UAI: 0694587L

Contactez-nous au 04 28 29 23 93

du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 17h

Le Groupe

105 avenue Paul.


Code Postal : 69120

Ville : Vaulx-en-Velin